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by Kay Fairchild
D&C 101:79--Therefore, it is not right that any man should be in bondage one to another.
D&C 123:7-8--The creeds of the fathers, who have inherited now the mainspring of corruption, and the whole earth groans under the weight of its is an iron yoke.

(a) Kidnapping.
(b) Slavery. (Mosiah 9:10, 11:21-25, 12:2)
(c) Addiction--Bondage to drugs or alcohol or aberrant behaviors, which damage the mind, body and spirit of man, and makes men less receptive to the Spirit of God. (I Cor. 3:16-17,
Mosiah 3:19)

(a) Economic Servitude--a small portion of society feels it deserves the majority of the wealth while a large portion of the masses, the laboring force, makes pittance.(Lev 25:14)
(b) The payment of minimum wage or below minimum wage to parents who are supporting families, resulting in impoverished families. (Malachi 3:5)
(c) Lack of skills to achieve better economic standing.
(d) The bondage of Debt. (Nehemiah 5)
(e) Bondage of Extremely Heavy Taxation (Mosiah 11:3, I Kings 12:4)
(f) Americans could do much to encourage the prosperity of other nations by paying an honest amount when importing products from foreign nations. It is unfair that foreign workers should be subjected to impoverishing wages or work conditions, either, therefore, it is our job to support those products whose companies have fair work practices and fair wages (whether at home or abroad).

Even though the scriptures teach that we should not "oppress the hireling in his wages," this principle should be taught to the people as a matter of honor and responsibility. It is the public's responsibility to support only those producers who make honorable products, who are honest in their dealings, and who pay an honest wage to their employees. Likewise, charity is a choice. We should not force people, through legislation, to act a certain way. See "Economics" in Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson.

The Israelites brought their fellow Israelites into bondage, and did not release them from servitude in the seventh year, as the Lord had commanded them, and the Lord rebuked them for their disobedience saying "ye have polluted my name...Ye have not hearkened unto me, in proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother...." (Jeremiah 34:8-18)

For a discussion of the economic system of Babylon, see chapter 2 "What is Zion? A Distant View?" in Approaching Zion by Hugh Nibley,Vol. 9 of The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley. (This article may also be found in the April 1989 issue of Sunstone magazine.) Chapter 2 of The Government of God, by John Taylor (London, 1852), contrasts the governments of man and his economic systems with the government of God.

(a) Dictatorships. (See "Slavery," above)
(b) Tyranny--Unrighteous Dominion of a Minority who set the policies for the majority.
(Jere 34:8-17)
(c) When the majority of the people are wicked, the laws are corrupted to allow increasingly wicked choices to go unpunished. (Helaman 4:22)

4. IDEOLOGICAL/PHILOSOPHICAL BONDAGE (Isa. 5:13, Galatians 1:10-14 and 4:3)
(a) The Media is currently controlled by a minority of owners/people who decide what ideas will be discussed and which ideas will not be heard. Certain important information is intentionally or unintentionally suppressed, because of the choices of the media owners. (Hosea 4:6, Isa. 5:13, Prov. 29:18) Again, it is the public's responsibility to support honest news disseminators.
(b) When the majority of people are living wickedly, truthful ideas are rejected.
(D&C 10:21-22, Alma 13:4, I Nephi 16:2)

Sin leads to the rejection of truth and to spiritual bondage (D&C 84:49-53).
It puts souls in subjection to evil leadership/control of Satan (Alma 12:11).

The Path to Bondage
Ignorance and Apathy (Complacence), Pride and Disobedience, are the steps which immediately precede bondage.

The Path to Liberty
Repentance frees us from the chains of bondage (Mosiah 7:33, Mosiah 29:18-20, D&C 19:16).

How/Why does Repentance free us from the Chains of Bondage? (2 Nephi 1:13,
Alma 13:30, Alma 36:18-20, 24, D&C 109:32-33).

Blessings such as Liberty, Truth, Light, Knowledge, Health, Forgiveness, and Freedom follow the release from bondage. (see Jere. 30:8, 17, Isa. 9:24, Isa. 58:6. See also "Yoke").

If we repent in each of the above-named areas, how could we free ourselves, our families, neighbors and our nation from the various chains of bondage? (Bondage being Habits which enslave us personally, or the False Traditions of our institutions/ways of life).

Orson Pratt explained that the Latter day Saints were already partially in bondage and warned of a day in which they would probably be in even greater bondage, stating: "It seems that this people [speaking of the Latter day Saints] at some future time may possibly be in bondage greater than they are at the present time. I try to hope for the best, and to think that the bondage we are in and have been in for years, in consequence of the efforts of those who are striving to take away our rights as American citizens, and to trample us down to the dust, there may be greater signification to those words...It may be, if we do not live sufficiently faithful before the Lord, that He will yet bring us into still greater tribulations than that which we have hitherto had. It may be that we shall yet be in, like the Israelites, in the land of Egypt; for the Lord has said that when this man [a man like unto Moses] shall be raised up, he would redeem his people by power, out of bondage, and they should be led as their fathers were led at the first. [see D&C 103:8-18]." --Orson Pratt, "Redemption of Zion," Journal of Discourses, Vol 17, (February 7, 1875).

"For ye are the children of Israel, and ye must needs be led out of bondage by power. And as your fathers were led at the first, even so shall the redemption of Zion be." (D&C 103:17-18)

Recommended Reading
The Tax Racket by Martin Gross.
Give Me Liberty! by Gerry Spence.
Approaching Zion by Hugh Nibley, in The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley.
An Enemy Hath Done This by Ezra Taft Benson.
The Book of Revelation Today by Farley Anderson.
Secret Combinations Today by Robert E. Hales.
The Government of God, by apostle John Taylor

Orig Draft 1995
2nd Draft 1999
3rd Draft 1/2001- 2/2001

Attachments: (1) The Social Security Number as a form of bondage
(2) The Gentile Economic System as a form of bondage

The Social Security Number as a form of bondage

Originally promised that this number would only be used to keep track of each individual's accumulated social security funds, and not for purposes of identification, the social security number is now used as a compulsory means of identification. It is now the national identification number for each individual in the United States. In today's society, one cannot get a job, a driver's license, a library card, open a bank account, start or run a business, or make almost any type of major transaction without this number.

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Rev. 13:16-17). Farley Anderson writes: "Many people misunderstand or misquote verse 16. The word is in their right hand or in their foreheads. The mark is not on, but in. If someone asks a person for their social security number, he is she will either take their right hand and present them with a card ("in your hand,") or else will recall it from that portion (forehead) of their brain where numbers are stored." (Farley Anderson, The Book of Revelation Today, Bountiful, Utah: Horizon Publishers, 1994.)

The Social Security number has allowed the government to monitor our private bank accounts. One's social security number must be presented in order to open a bank account, the bank is then required by law to report all interest or dividends (by individual social security number or corporate tax identification number) to the government. The government has already burdened us with not only extremely high taxes on our earnings, but also on our property, inheritances, sales, and every other type of tax imaginable. The social security number allows the government to be linked to our banks and accounts (which should be private), allowing them to not only monitor our activities, and steal our privacy, but to steal our hard-earned interest. Big Brother government, with this number, now monitors our every activity, from our bank accounts to our job earnings, our businesses, transportation and places of residence.

This number assures that we can easily be tracked down from one location to another, wherever we live in the United States, even those innocent people, who, for the purpose of safety, may be
seeking to escape from abusive former relationships or from criminal tracking.

"It appears that there is a natural tendency for a government to begin to think of its people as possessions after they number them. This is exactly the opposite of the true order of government." (Farley Anderson, The Book of Revelation Today.)

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six (666)." (Rev. 13:18). Ibzan Dean explains: "The number of the natural man is six. This means that he does not reach up to seven which would mean perfection, much less to 8 which means divine perfection in a human body....Six is the number of imperfection, falling short of seven, the number of perfection. Man was created on the sixth day and this the number six is impressed on him. He was appointed six days for his labor: while one day is associated with the Lord God as his rest. So that six is the number of a man as destitute of God, without God, without Christ." (Ibzan R. Dean, The Coming Kingdom, the Goal of Prophecy, Philadelphia: Philadelphia School of the Bible, 1928.)

If six is the number of the natural man, and three is the number of deity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost), then 666 is the natural man taken to the extreme opposite, or the anti-Christ, meaning man setting himself up in place of God, following Satan's path instead of God's.

Satan's desire is to control all men, to subvert their freedom and limit their choices. If he can, he will put the power to buy and sell all into the hands of his own followers so that they can dictate policy to others. By these type of means, he can control people, for they will not be able to buy or sell (or survive) unless they agree to follow Satan's economic system, leaders, and laws. Farley Anderson identifies the goals of those who plan to enforce tyrannical governments over others, and who over time, have achieved more and more of their goals here within the United States: they seek to control the money, the media, the schools, the food, guns, and property.

In all ages, Satan has tried to tempt men to veer away from the path of God. He deceives men into putting their trust in the arm of flesh instead of putting their faith and trust in the Lord. He persuades men to put their trust in anything else except God: in the false precepts of men, in their possessions or wealth, in the governments of men, or in any other object or being which transfers their primary allegiance away from God to some earthly or secondary power. People who have put their trust in man or the arm of flesh are more easy to deceive because they have not learned to rely upon God and upon His holy spirit, to give them inspiration and higher knowledge, which goes beyond this world's knowledge.

There are other ways besides the Social Security number that the mark of the beast may be imposed upon people in order to control them. Carl Sanders was one of the chief engineers in developing a microchip that can be implanted in animals or men. It is imbedded under the skin and can be used to track the exact location of its wearer. "He found, indeed, that in the original Greek, six hundred threescore and six appears as a word. The root of the word was steizo, to stick; a mark incised or punched into for mark of ownership." (Farley Anderson, The Book of Revelation Today).

We are not the possessions of our governments. God does not expects us to be slaves, numbered, tracked, and monitored as are prisoners in jail. God gave us the liberty to be free men, to act for ourselves, and to be responsible for our decisions. Will we continue to give away our freedom for a false sense of security, or do we have the courage to correct that which is wrong? The Prophet Ezra Taft Benson declared: "Social Security is unconstitutional. Why not end it by refunding to all participants their equitable share? The Social Security systems in the United States is compulsory, unfair and immoral..." Benson also quoted Abraham Lincoln, who said: "You will never get me to support a measure which I believe to be wrong, although by doing so I may accomplish that which I believe to be right." (Ezra Taft Benson, An Enemy Hath Done This, Salt Lake City: Parliament Publishers/Bookcraft, 1969.)

Benson goes on to say that "a young man with a family can get far more for his money from a private pension program than he can from the Social Security system...At the present time, anyone born after 1927 will pay more into Social Security than he stands to get out of it. The time may be close at hand when young men will wake up to the fact that they are being played for suckers by the older generation. And who could blame them if they should decide to apply the political pressure of their greater numbers to call a halt to the con game and cancel the whole program?" (Ezra Taft Benson, An Enemy Hath Done This.)

Each American should have the right to choose whether or not to participate in the Social Security program. To compel all to conform is unrighteous dominion by the federal government. Neither should any of us be forced to be tracked and monitored by government using the guise of the Social Security number. This is an abuse of power, and a violation of the privacy of every citizen.

Satan's tactics, besides outright lies, slanders and temptations to do evil, also include deceit and rationalization, the mixing of truth with error, the false traditions of men mixed with scripture, counterfeiting truth by offering a false or similar replacement, blackening or discrediting the reputation of righteous people and wholesome organizations (wicked people discredit themselves), force, torture, tyranny and compulsion.

In the Declaration of Independence, our founding fathers declared that one of the primary reasons they were choosing to break from England was due to the tyranny and unjust laws of the king. Yet in many ways, Americans today have allowed themselves to be oppressed by a slew of unconstitutional laws.

Man's agency (or freedom of choice) was one of the blessings (rights) granted him by God before this world was created. God holds men accountable for the correct or incorrect use of their agency, in the form of consequences. It is Satan's desire to steal man's agency from him. "Satan rebelled--and sought to destroy the agency of man." (Moses 4:3).

Marion G. Romney stated: "Free agency is the principle against which Satan waged his war in heaven. It is still the front on which he makes his most furious, devious, and persistent attacks....We must be careful that we are not led to accept or support in any way any organization, cause or measure which in its remotest effort, would jeopardize free agency, whether it be in politics, government, religion, employment, education, or in any other field." (Marion G. Romney, Conference Reports, October 1960).

David O. McKay, in October 1966, warned: "Efforts are being made to deprive man of his free agency, to steal from the individual his liberty..." (as quoted by Ezra Taft Benson in An Enemy Hath Done This, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969).

Ezra Taft Benson also warned that the American people may reach a point in which they were willing to exchange their liberties for a false promise of security, stating that "Any government powerful enough to give the people all that they want it also powerful enough to take from the people all that they have." (Ezra Taft Benson, An Enemy Hath Done This).

Haven't we already reached this point? Haven't we traded our security for a vast number of convenient programs? And haven't Americans traded their liberty for security in the form of the Social Security Program? Everyone in the United States now has their own number. This is a very convenient way for our own government to monitor the earnings and activities of each citizen. We have already accepted the mark of the beast and his control over our lives, however mild and unassuming that control may appear at the present time.

"God has endowed men with certain unalienable rights and no legislature and no majority, however great, may morally limit or destroy these. The function of government is to protect life, liberty and property and anything more or less than this is usurpation and oppression."--Ezra Taft Benson

The Gentile Economic System as a form of Bondage

The Saints have been commanded by the Lord in the Doctrine & Covenants to live the law of consecration, to give their excess profits to the Bishop's storehouse (their excess being that which is beyond what they need for the support of their own families). Further, the Lord has commanded them be one, to be unified in all things, to love one another as oneself. He has declared "If ye are not one, ye are not mine."

Instead of following the Lord's teachings, the Saints have rejected the covenants they made both at baptism and in the temple to be unified in all things. They have rejected the Lord and embraced the Gentile economic system, which is basically a system of every man for himself in society, every man allowed himself to grow as rich as he can, often at the expense of others (through the exploitation of others, through the payment of low wages, etc.). In Gentile society, the impoverishing of some at the profit or gain of others is not looked upon with any repugnance.

When Brigham Young first brought the Latter day Saints to the great Salt Lake basin in the mountains, he remembered the speculation that had gone on among the Saints in Kirtland, where land and goods had been sold at high prices to newcomers, those who were selling goods or speculating in lands often growing rich by charging high prices, impoverishing the newcomers. Brigham Young decided this was not to be the state of affairs in the territory of Deseret (Utah). None of the Saints was to seize vast tracts of land to sell at high prices to newcomers, but all newcomers were to be allowed to settle and cultivate their own property by their own labors. "Every effort was put forth so far as the influence of President Young and those associated with him was concerned, that the land should be divided into small portions; that every man should receive according to the size of his family, according to his needs, and that no man should hold large tracts of land to keep others from it" (John McQuarrie, Conference Report, October 1906).
This wonderful outlook allowed each pioneer the freedom and independence to own and develop his own property (a condition which no longer exists in Utah).

Today in Utah, vast tracts of land are owned by the government or by corporations or wealthy landowners, one cannot buy even a small tract of land or a home unless he has accumulated wealth. The accumulation of wealth for some is very much hindered by their low wages. People who earn less than the average often have to settle as renters, without home or property, as long as their income is low. This ensures that only part of the population will be property owners, while those who cannot afford to buy will pour out their life earnings every month to pay for food they cannot produce themselves, for apartments they cannot afford to own, and thus pour out their labors and earnings to others in nothing that accumulates, only for that which they must consume for their support.

Strom Thurmond said: "Take away a man's right to own property and you take away his right to be independent, substituting serfdom in place of freedom."

Anciently, each Israelite family owned property within their tribal boundaries, and properties were passed from parent to child. Old Testament prophets reproved individuals who sought to steal the property of others by joining "house to house, that lay field to field..." (Isa. 5:8), in other words, who buy, take, or accumulate vast tracts of property for themselves (usually at the expense or loss of property of others). "the laws were such that those lands would remain in the possession of each family, and could not be taken from them by chicanery or fraud..." (John McQuarrie, Conference Report, October 1906)

"The experience of mankind has shown that the people of communities and nations among whom wealth is the most equally distributed, enjoy the largest degree of liberty, are the least exposed to tyranny and oppression and suffer the least from luxurious habits which beget vice. Among the chosen people of the Lord, to prevent the too rapid growth of wealth and its accumulation in a few hands, He ordained that in every seventh year, the debtors were to be released from their debts, and where a man had sold himself to his brother, he was in that year to be released from slavery and to go free; even the land itself which might pass out of the possession of its owner by his sale of it, whether through his improvidence, mismanagement, or misfortune, could only be alienated until the year of jubilee. At the expiration of every forty-nine years, the land reverted, without cost, to the man or family whose inheritance originally it was, except in the case of a dwelling house in a walled city, for the redemption of which, one year only was allowed, after which, if not redeemed, it became the property, without change at the year of jubilee, of the purchaser. Under such a system, carefully maintained, there could be no great aggregations of either real or personal property in the hands of a few; especially so while the laws, forbidding the taking of usury or interest for money or property loaned, continued in force."

"One of the great evils with which our nation is menaced at the present time is the wonderful growth of wealth in the hands of a comparatively few individuals. The very liberties for which our fathers contended so steadfastly and courageously, and which they bequeathed to us as a priceless legacy, are endangered by the monstrous power which this accumulation of wealth gives to a few individuals and a few powerful corporations. By its seductive influence, results are accomplished which, were it more equally distributed, would be impossible under our form of government. It threatens to give shape to the legislation, both State and National, of the entire country. If this evil should not be checked, and measures not be taken to prevent the continued enormous growth of riches among the class already rich, and the painful increase of destitution and want among the poor, the nation is liable to be overtaken by disaster, for, according to history, such a tendency among nations once powerful was the sure precursor of ruin. The evidence of the restiveness of the people under this condition of affairs in our times is witnessed in the formation of societies of grangers, or patrons of husbandry, trades' unions, etc., etc., combinations of the productive and working classes against capital."

"Years ago it was perceived that we Latter day Saints were open to the same dangers as those which beset the rest of the world. A condition of affairs existed among us which was favorable to the growth of riches in the hands of a few at the expense of the many. A wealthy class was being rapidly formed in our midsts, whose interest, in the course of time, were likely to be diverse from those of the rest of the community. The growth of such a class was dangerous to our union; and of all people, we stand most in need of union and to have our interest identical. Then it was that the Saints were counseled to enter into cooperation. In the absence of the necessary faith to enter upon a more perfect order revealed by the Lord unto the Church, this was felt to be the best means of drawing us together and making us one." (Messages of the First Presidency, Vol. 2).

From the above quote, we learn, that where the Saints lack the faith to practice the higher principles which have been revealed to them, the Lord, in His mercy, often implements programs or policies to help bring the Saints up to the higher level. Too often, however, the Saints have rejected not only the higher principles but the programs which were intended to help them rise to the higher level.

The Lord is displeased at the Latter day Saints for their selfishness. We know the Lord to be a loving and generous father, willing to provide basic opportunities for all his children, not giving preferential treatment to some and neglecting others. He declared: "For what man among you, having twelve sons, and is no respecter of them, and they serve him obediently, and he saith unto the one: Be clothed in robes and sit thou here; and to the other, Be thou clothed in rags, and sit thou there--and looketh upon his sons and saith I am just? Behold, this I have given unto you as a parable, and it is even as I am. I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one, ye are not mine." (D&C 38:26-27).

The Lord has made it clear that if the Saints do not exercise the kind of loving equality which is to be expected of those who have covenanted to live as Saints and take upon themselves the name of Christ, then He does not consider them his people, that is, God rejects them as a people. The Gentile economic system encourages the accumulation of land, property and wealth in the hands of an elite few, at the expense and impoverishment of others who work. The Saints, by embracing the Gentile economic system, are rejected by God, for "if ye are not one, ye are not mine." If we are not God's, then we must belong to someone else, that is, we belong to the world, and worship the world instead of God. When God cast off the ancient Israelites for their idolatry, disbelief, and disobedience to his laws, he called them "Lo-ammi," meaning "Not my people."

The Gentile economic system is a system which results in the poverty, struggle and misery of many people, especially the laboring class. God expects his Saints to be living on a higher plane, the law of consecration, that they may be a light and example of his truths to the rest of the world, that the oppressed may find refuge, that those in bondage may find freedom. Right now, in Utah, too many are living in economic bondage and hopelessness, the result of the Saints having rejected the law of Consecration. "If ye are not one, ye are not mine." "Lo-ammi--not my people." Let us embrace the laws of God that we may be an example of his laws and truth, and bring to our fellowmen hope and freedom from oppression and economic bondage.

"This is the land of Zion; but we are not yet prepared to go and establish the Center Stake of Zion. The Lord tried this in the first place. He called the people together to where the New Jerusalem and the great temple will be built, and where He will prepare for the City of Enoch. And He gave revelation after revelation; but the people could not abide them, and the Church was scattered and peeled, and the people hunted from place to place, till finally, they were driven into the mountains, and here we are. Now, it is for you and me to prepare to return back return build up the Center Stake of Zion. We are not prepared to do this now, but we are here to learn until we are of one heart and of one mind in the things of life. Do all the Latter day Saints arrive at this? No; they have not...of the great many who have been baptized into the Church, but few have been able to abide the word of the Lord, they have fallen out on the right and on the left, and have floundered by the way, and a few have gathered together. Will these be prepared to enter the Celestial Kingdom? Some of them will be, and will become kings and priests, but not all of these, only a portion of them. They do not know what to do with the revelations, commandments and blessings of God. Talking, for instance, about everyday things, how many do we see here that know what to do with money and property when they get it? Are their eyes single to the building up of the kingdom of God? No; they are single to the building up of themselves." (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 11, Feb. 10, 1867)

Note: Some people, hoping to change the conditions of the world, have erroneously believed that socialism or communism would bring about economic freedom for the masses. This, however, is untrue. Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark and David O. McKay declared that the Communists would never establish the United Order. It is, however, the responsibility of the Latter day Saints to prepare their hearts so that they can live the law of consecration and establish the United Order, an economic order which will enable its participants to enjoy freedom and independence.

In the early days of the Church, the Saints rejected the law of consecration and the United Order, and this law has not been instituted again in full force among the Saints (although Brigham Young attempted to get the Saints to live this law). Because of the unwillingness of the Saints to live these laws, the leaders of the Lord's church have had to come up with alternative programs to help the times of need. One of these programs has been the Welfare Program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, intended as short-term relief to help those members during times of economic depression, during temporary job loss, misfortunes or setbacks. Even though the Lord has provided for the support of the poor in his church, this support in most cases was intended to be short term in order to help the receipient overcome poverty and to reestablish himself, to help him become self-sufficient and independent again. Nothing was ever intended as a long-term dole, where those who worked were supporting those who did not work. Indeed, the Lord has commanded his people not to be idle, saying that "he that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments of the laborer" (D&C 42:42), and that "the idler shall not have place in the church" (D&C 75:29). In other words, the Lord wants us to become self-sufficient, to work and provide for ourselves and for our families. We must also remember, however, that men must be given the ways and means to become self-sufficient, not robbed of the means nor hindered from becoming so. It is the Lord's desire for all of his children to receive equal opportunities to own and develop property, to work and achieve.

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The Laws of God on War & Military Intervention
by Kay Fairchild

When the Israelites obeyed the word of God, they (1) Prospered, (2) Won their battles (Joshua 11:6-8, Judges 2:16), (3) Other nations feared to go to battle against them (Moses 7:17), (4) Other nations came to acknowledge the God of Israel as being the true God, because He protected his people (2 Chron 20:29).

Military Laws of God

(1) It appears that God sometimes uses foreign nations to punish other wicked nations.  Read the words of Pharaoh Necho of Egypt, who tells Josiah that God [?]commanded him to this battle, and if King Josiah interferes, he will be interfering in God's instructions to Necho.  [Many rulers throughout history have used a similar excuse to justify a foreign invasion.]  When the righteous King Josiah of Judah tries to INTERCEDE in a FOREIGN WAR that does NOT involve his own country (as Judah is NOT being invaded), the Lord allows this righteous king to be smitten in battle (in the Old Testament, the Lord always protected the kings that were righteous--this is one of the notable exceptions).  The point here seems to be that Righteous nations Should NOT interfere in the foreign wars of other nations UNLESS they are commanded by God to be involved.  (2 Chron 35)  The Prophet Joseph Smith, in Views on Government, stated that our nation should not become involved in the intrigues of foreign nations.  See also the words of the Prophet Ezra Taft Benson concerning "Unconstitutional Actions" in Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson.

(2) A Righteous Nation is not to step in and help DEFEND A WICKED NATION (as when the righteous Jehoshaphat, King of Judah went up to fight a battle with the wicked King Ahab of Israel against Ahab's enemies, even though they were fellow Israelites.  God wanted the Israelites punished for their transgressions in order to bring them to repentance.  (2 Chron 19:2)

(3) God expects his people to follow his words exactly.  He sent his prophets to condemn Kings when they made ALLIANCES with a wicked nation to help them fight their enemies.  God repeatedly tells the people that IF they live righteously, He (God) will fight their battles for them, and/or will save/protect/help them win their battles.  (see King Asa of Judah's alliance with Syria against Israel in 2 Chron 16).

(4) A Righteous Nation shall NOT HIRE nor EMPLOY the foreign armies of wicked nations.  This happened one time when the King of Judah thought that he did not have a large enough army to face the army attacking him, so he hired some soldiers from the House of Israel, which was wicked at that time.  The Prophet came to the King of Judah and told him to dismiss the foreign armies and only use his own armies, that he needed to have faith that the Lord would help fight his battles for him, no matter how large the opposing army was, as God had the power to defeat any army. (2 Chron 25:6-11).  God reduced Gideon's army from 32,000 to only 300 men to show Israel that it was He, the Lord, who won their battles for them (Judges 7).

(5) God allows his people Israel TO FAIL IN BATTLE, to lose lands, to be killed, etc., when they are living wickedly.  God does not defend the wicked, and when the Israelites were wicked, God multiplied their enemies.  Many examples in Old Testament (see Judges 2:13-23).  In BOM, see--Mosiah 1:13, Mosiah 2:31, Mosiah 11:21, Alma 10:23, Mormon 2:26.

(6)  D&C 98:16-48--The Lord's Law on War and Peace, when Military Intervention is justified.  God says that He gave this same law to his ancient people. D&C 98:33--Not to go out in battle against ANY NATION "save (except) I the Lord commanded them."

(7)  Alma 43:46-47, Alma 48:14-16, Alma 61:13-14, D&C 134:11--THE DEFENSE LAW OF GOD, i.e., when the Nephites were attacked by their enemies, they were justified in defending themselves.  "Inasmuch as ye are not guilty of the first offense, neither the second, ye shall not suffer yourselves to be slain by the hands of your enemies.  And again, the Lord has said that: Ye shall defend your families..."

(8) The Righteous Kings always sent to the Prophets of God to receive instructions from the Lord as to (a) whether or not to proceed in battle against a certain enemy (b) as to where to place their troops for the best advantage.  The Prophets always gave God's guidance in these matters, as the Lord PROTECTED the Israelites when they were righteous. (2 Chron 20:29).  See also Isaiah 4:5 and Isaiah 54:17.  Moses 7:13--The people of Enoch were a righteous and PEACEFUL people.  God protected the people of Enoch from foreign invasion because of their faith and righteousness.

David O. McKay stated that there are "two conditions which justify a truly Christian man to enter--not begin--a war.  (1) the attempt to dominate or deprive one of free agency (2) loyalty to country, (3) possibly, the defense of a weak country that is unjustly crushed by a strong, ruthless one." (David O. McKay, Gospel Ideals)  Note that all the conditions stated by David O. McKay can be stretched and twisted so that they could be applied to almost any situation, which could justify entrance into practically any war, therefore, it is explicit that we consider the previously stated conditions above.  God always justifies people in defending themselves, their homes, their families, and their freedom (liberty) from the attack of any aggressor.  The downfall of the Nephites came when they started a war of aggression (instead of self-defense) and vengeance against their enemies, and as a result, God allowed their enemies to destroy them (Mormon 3:14-15, Mormon 4:1-2,5, 18).

Note the example of the Lamanites who were converted by Ammon.  They threw down their weapons of war and lived peacefully thereafter.  Those who took a vow of peace never again took up weapons against their enemies.  Isaiah prophecies of a day when the people of God shall choose to live peacefully (Isaiah 2:4 and Isaiah 11:9).

Original--about 1996-97
1st Revision--1999
2nd Revision--3/2001
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Many Prophets
by Kay Fairchild

There seems to be a problem in the church with acknowledging that more than one person can be a prophet.  While there is generally only one prophet who is the president of the church of Jesus Christ at a time in one area (in former dispensations, we know that there were at least two contemporary prophets: a prophet and apostles at Jerusalem, and a prophet and apostles in America; and in modern times, the prophet Joseph Smith said that there were currently also prophets among the Lost Tribes), nonetheless, throughout history, God has called more than one man to prophesy in his name.  These men who are called to prophesy and warn the people may be the heads of the church (as in the case of Nephi, who was the prophet/leader among the Nephites, or Jeremiah, the prophet among the Jews), or he may be someone who is not the prophet/president of the church, but rather, a lay person with no specific church leadership position, who is either called to warn his own people (as in the case of Lehi, who was called to warn the people at Jerusalem when Jeremiah was the Prophet/head of the church), or who may be called to warn a different nation (as in the case of Jonah, a Jew, being sent to warn the people of Ninevah, or as in the case of Samuel the Lamanite, an outsider sent by God to warn the Nephites to repent when Nephi was the prophet).  It appears that in days of pride and wickedness, God often sends multiple witnesses among the people, extra witnesses besides the regularly ordained prophets/leaders of the church.

Why is the issue of multiple prophets generally not talked about by the president of the church and the apostles?  I personally believe it is because there are a number of Latter day Saints who are so easily deceived, that the leaders of the church do not want to open the door to these false prophets.  As it is, the general authorities are constantly having to battle against dissenters within the church, which dissenters are attempting to undermine the doctrines being taught by church leadership.  Some people in the church are not well grounded in the scriptures, or walking in obedience to the Holy Ghost, so that they are more easily deceived than those who are well-grounded and who have the Holy Ghost in their daily lives.  It is hard for some people to distinguish between false and true prophets, although the scriptures are very clear in pointing out the differences between the two.  Let's look at just a few scriptures to help us gain more understanding.

False Prophets
"Beware of false prophets," Jesus warned us. "Ye shall know them by their fruits.  Do men gather grapes of thrones, or figs of thistles?  Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit...Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them." (3 Nephi 14:15-20 or Matt. 7:15-20).  False prophets lead us away from the truth, their works are corrupt, we can judge by their lives, attitudes, thoughts, words and actions that they bear bad fruit.  True prophets lead us back towards Christ the Lord.

In 1831, when the church was located at Ohio, and Joseph Smith, Jr. was the prophet called by God and the president of the church, Hiram Page, a member of the church, had a seerstone from which he claimed to be receiving revelations for the Church of Jesus Christ.  The Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith that Hiram Page was receiving false prophecies with his "seerstone," which "prophecies" contradicted the prophecies received by the Prophet Joseph Smith, and which were causing people to be led astray.  God does not send more than one man to give commandments to the Church of Jesus Christ, nor does he inspire lay members of the church with revelations which are contradictory to those revelations already revealed.  The Lord tells us: "There is none other appointed unto you to receive commandments and revelations [i.e., for the church] until he [the Prophet Joseph Smith] be taken, if he abide in me....None else shall be appointed unto this gift except it be through him: for if it be taken from him he shall not have power except to appoint another in his stead.  And this shall be a law unto you, that ye receive not the teachings of any that shall come before you as revelations or commandments [since only the President of the Church has the authority to give commandments to the church]; and this I give unto you that you may not be deceived, that you may know they are not of me."  (D&C 43:3-6).

I will comment here that many Latter day Saints do not seem to be able to distinguish between a commandment which should only be coming from the church leadership, verses words of truth and inspiration, which can come to us from many different sources and from many different people.  Some Latter Day Saints do not seem to be able to believe any truth at all unless it comes out of the mouth of the prophet, forgetting that the Lord has provided many sources of truth for us.  We are commanded to seek out of the best books, words of inspiration.  "And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith." (D&C 88:118).

In fact, many Latter day Saints currently find it easier to believe many of the false prophets of the world, which come to them via the precepts of men which they have been taught in the schools, by the media, and society, than to believe the words and teachings of God.  Some of them spurn the words of inspiration of their fellow Latter day Saints when false precepts are pointed out to them, choosing instead to rely on the arm of flesh, or the arm of man, instead of the arm of God.*  When asked what he was teaching the people, Satan boasted: "the precepts of men, mingled with scriptures."  In other words, it was easier for the devil to deceive the people when he mixed truth with error.  (*See 1999 paper by author entitled "The Traditions of Men Vs. The Standards of God".)

The Prophet Ezra Taft Benson warned:  "There are also apostate doctrines that are sometimes taught in our classes and from our pulpits and that appear in our publications.  And these apostate precepts of men cause our people to stumble.  As the Book of Mormon, speaking of our day, states: 'They have all gone astray save it be a few, who are the humble followers of Christ, nevertheless, they are led, that in many instances they do err because they are taught by the precepts of men."  President Benson also said: "The world worships the learning of man.  They trust in the arm of flesh.  To them, men's reasoning is greater than God's revelations.  The precepts of man have gone so far in subverting our educational system that in many cases, a higher degree today, in the so-called social sciences, can be tantamount to a major investment in error...some use their higher degree to get teaching positions even in our Church Educational System, where they spread the falsehoods they have been taught."  (Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson).

Jeremiah chapter 23 is one of the best sources for a discussion on the characteristics of false prophets.  False prophets commit adultery, are liars, and support evildoers (v. 14).  They worship false gods (v. 13).  They promise the people peace (v. 17). They prophesy when the Lord has not inspired them (v. 21).  They fail to warn the people to repent and turn from their evil ways (v. 22).  They prophesy lies (v. 25).  They cause the people to err (v. 32).

In addition, false prophets "divine for money," and "teach for hire," (Micah 3:5-11), in other words, they are paid for preaching, they are financially reimbursed for their service in the ministry.  True prophets do not preach the word of God for money and are not paid for their service to the church.  The Prophet Alma was paid for his occupation as chief judge, but was not paid for his church service as prophet and missionary.  Even the prophet Joseph Smith supported his family as a merchant and storekeeper and was not paid for his service as prophet.  (see 2 Nephi 26:29-31, Alma 1:2-3, 16, Alma 30:32-34.)

Latter day Saints need to study the scriptures so they understand the truth and can recognize the truth. They also need to be prayerful and living in obedience to the commandments so that they will have the Holy Ghost and be able to distinguish true from false prophets.  True prophets never lead us away from the truth nor away from the commandments, but rather, lead us to understand the scriptures more fully and encourage us to live the commandments more carefully.

True Prophets
Every prophet has a unique mission to perform; they are sent at different periods of the world for different purposes.  How many prophets besides Noah built an ark after warning the people to repent?  Yet Noah also shared characteristics similar to all the prophets.

Every prophet shares certain similarities: (a) they are chosen (called) by God (not by man).  (b) They preach repentance to the people.  (c) They teach the gospel plan of salvation, including faith in Christ, the atonement, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, etc.  (d) They testify of Christ.  (e) They give revelations, prophecies, warnings and correction as they are inspired by God.

The nature of the calling of the prophet, John "the Baptist," was prophesied by his father, Zacharias.  Upon the day of John's circumcision, Zacharias "was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied." (Luke 1:67).  Zacharias, who was not a prophet, but a priest in the temple, prophesied of the coming of the Messiah (Luke 1:69) and that his son John would be called a prophet, and would prepare the way before the Lord (Luke 1:67-79).  In this prophesy, the Lord himself detailed the nature of John's prophetic calling:  (a) He will prepare the way for the Lord's coming (v. 76), (b) Give knowledge of salvation to the people by the remission of their sins (v. 77-78), (c) Give light to them that sit in darkness (v. 79) [i.e. provide truth and understanding], (d) To guide their feet [i.e., teach them] in the way of peace (v. 79).

It is the responsibility of prophets to call people to repentance.  Repentance stimulates change (reformation) in the righteous hearers of the word.  Once individuals have changed themselves, this change (reformation) carries over into their families and communities, since repentance is only true if it changes not only a person's heart, but his character and actions.  The people of King Benjamin were so touched after they heard him speak that their hearts were changed, so that they no longer desired to do evil.  Enoch transformed his people into a Zion people hundreds of years before the birth of Christ.  The apostles of Jesus Christ preached the gospel in ancient America following the death of Jesus Christ and the people were so changed, that peace and good will reigned for the next two hundred years.

The Prophet Joseph Smith gave so many new revelations to the people (The Law of Consecration, the Word of Wisdom, the Law of Unity, the Fullness of the Gospel, Family history and Temple work, etc.), that it required a great reformation among the people--so great, in fact, that the first generation of Latter-day Saints were unsuccessful in establishing Zion because of their failure to live the laws revealed to them.  When the Prophet Brigham Young saw the Saints straying from the gospel, he instituted a great reformation throughout the church, trying to bring the people back to live the basic principles which had been taught to them.

True prophets, who testify of people's sins, are often mislabeled "false" prophets by those who refuse to repent (Helaman 13:26).

Many Prophets
(1) Jeremiah 44:4--I sent unto you all my servants the prophets.
(2) I Nephi 1:4--Many prophets in the days of King Zedekiah.
(3) Ezra 5:1--"Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, [two contemporary prophets] prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel."
(4) Enos 1:22--"And there were exceedingly many prophets among us.  And the people were a stiffnecked people, hard to understand" (that is, the people were so hard-hearted, they had a difficult time understanding/believing the prophet's words.)
(5) The Prophet Urijah, a contemporary of the Prophet Jeremiah, was murdered by the political leaders of his day (Jere. 26:20-24).

Many prophets are sent to the people at a time when the people have the truth, but are disregarding it because of their pride.  Many prophets are also sent to warn people to repent before great calamities befall.  Samuel the Lamanite was one of these additional prophets sent to warn the Nephites before the great earthquakes and tidal forces struck them at the time of the death of Jesus Christ.

After Christ made his glorious appearance to the Nephites following his resurrection, he questioned them regarding a discrepancy in their scriptures.  Now the Nephites had carefully recorded what the prophets and presidents of their church had told them, from Lehi and his son Nephi down to Alma and Helaman and the Nephi who was prophet at the time of Christ's appearance.  But they had failed to record the testimony of an outsider who had testified to them, Samuel the Lamanite, who was neither the prophet or president of their church nor one of the apostles or general authorities.  Yet God had sent Samuel as an additional witness!  (3 Nephi 23:6-13)

In addition to male prophets, the scriptures record the names of certain female prophetesses.  The words of the Prophetess Huldah are found in 2 Kings 22:14-20 and 2 Chron. 34:22-28.  At the time of Christ's birth, Anna was a prophetess in the temple (Luke 2:36-38).  She was not the president of the church, but was known as a prophetess.  None of her prophecies are recorded in our present Bible.  As in the case of true and false prophets, we must also remember that there are true and false prophetesses; examples of false prophetesses are found in Rev. 2:20 and Ezek. 13:16-23.

When I have looked around the church today and seen what appears to be a growing complacency among the Latter day Saints, I have become concerned.  While I realize that it is common in certain churches for the lay members to expect their ministers to do most of the work, most of the inspired preaching, and to generally be more inspired than their congregations, this has never been the Lord's expectation of the Latter day Saints.  In fact, in the early days of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, it was typical for the Latter-day Saints (the lay members, men and women) to speak in tongues, to interpret, to have dreams and visions, and to prophesy.  Why are many of these gifts no longer common among the Latter day Saints today?  Are we allowing ourselves to become lazy and complacent, and to think, like the unbelievers in the days of Joseph Smith, that these gifts were only given to the Saints in the days of Jesus Christ's mortal ministry?

When someone came to Moses and complained that two men were prophesying in the camp (in other words, speaking without "authority"), and asked Moses to forbid them from prophesying, Moses replied "Enviest thou for my sake?  Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!" (Numbers 11:27-29).  In other words, Moses wished that all the Israelites were living faithfully enough that the spirit of God would rest upon them so that they were all prophesying (true things) in the name of the Lord.  Prophesy being one of those gifts that God willingly bestows upon the righteous (Mormon 10:13-17), it is the duty of the Latter day Saints to seek after this gift, and to be worthy of receiving it.

The gift of prophecy is available to all who desire it (Mormon 10:13-17), and is "given to every man as he will," not just to the president of the church.  The gift of prophesy has been given to various men and women who were not heads of the church, but who spoke as they were inspired by God (as before-noted in the case of Zacharias, the father of John).

Joel 2:28 records:  "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions; and also upon the servants upon the handmaids [women] in those days will I pour out my spirit."  Why do we try to limit prophesying to men who hold leadership positions, when the scriptures clearly predict that this gift is available even to women?

The Seventh Article of Faith states: "We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth."  If we believe these things, then we should be exercising our faith to obtain these gifts.  (Mormon 10:13-17).  When these gifts are no longer found among the Saints, the scriptures tell us, it will be because of unbelief and lack of faith. (Mormon 10:24-25).

Instead of relying on one man (the president of the church) for revelations concerning everything they should know, the Saints should be anxiously seeking personal revelation (as many of the general authorities have urged us to do) and these other spiritual gifts, for the Lord is willing to bestow as many upon us as we seek and prepare ourselves to receive.  The president of the church is busy enough running the affairs of the Lord's church on an international basis.  To expect him to try to answer everyone's questions, or to solve the problems of the thousands of communities, states and nations that the worldwide membership of Latter day Saints belong to, would be to steal the personal agency with which each of us has been blessed. God has given us all minds, wills, and agency, so that we as individuals should be anxiously engaged (D&C 58:27) in trying to solve the problems of our own families, communities, states and nations.  Our personal revelation and personal life mission can help direct us to the area in which we each can best serve.  D&C 88:78-79, 118 and D&C 93:53 directs us to seek knowledge from many different sources, as is available to us.  Remember, we each have different stewardships to fulfill; we should be busy fulfilling our own.

D&C 88:81: "Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man (not just the prophet and apostles) who hath been warned to warn his neighbors (not just his non-member neighbors, but even his Latter day Saint neighbors, who believe that they are living the gospel, but who in many ways are not)...."to prepare the Saints for the hour of judgment which is to come, that their souls may escape the wrath of God..." (D&C 88:84-85).

Prophets get their knowledge directly from heaven, from angelic messengers, by revelation, dreams, visions, etc., and from inspiration while reading and pondering the scriptures.  The scriptures are a result of revelations received by many different prophets (I Cor. 12:29-31, Moroni 10:13, 17).  Individuals also can have the gift of prophecy and revelation.  I have received knowledge from time to time from God which I was directed by the Spirit to share with others.  This knowledge was given to me by inspiration in order to help myself and others to see the correct way more clearly and in order to enable us to repent and obtain blessings.  Although I have received inspiration from God on many different subjects, two articles in particular I received by direct inspiration from God (1) "Let Us Be One--Becoming a Zion People" and (2) "The Traditions of Men Vs. The Standards of God".  These articles are both calls to the Latter day Saints to repent of the ways in which they are currently following the ways of the world instead of the principles of God.  The spirit directed me to share this information with others.

I believe that all people who are living in tune with the Spirit of God have something that they can teach others: we are here to edify and lift one another.  In trying to share the truths which I have received, I have never tried to set myself up in place of the Prophet who is the President of the church, who is the only one authorized to give commandments for the entire church for the direction of the church.  Nevertheless, I believe that God inspires many people, and that the righteous can edify each other with what they have learned from the Spirit.  It is the proud who are unteachable and unreceptive to truth.

Latter Day Saints often do not recognize their state of pride which keeps them from receiving truth and from trusting in the word of God.  In times of wickedness, God sends many prophets who are not the heads of the church, to warn the people to repent.  Not every prophet establishes or restores the church, some are called simply to warn the people to repent of their worldly ways or to testify of Christ.  The Jews at Jerusalem believed they were good people when they were full of pride and wickedness.

The Latter day Saints have just as much reason to beware of pride, having been warned against it not only by Book of Mormon prophets who saw the conditions of our day, but also by modern prophets.  (see address by Ezra Taft Benson, "Beware of Pride.") (see also 2 Nephi 28:24-31)  Rather than thinking that we are living the gospel so perfectly, we should be humble enough to receive whatever truth is taught to us, and not think that we have no need to improve.  Christ admonished us that unless we were as humble and teachable as little children, we would not enter the Kingdom of God.  Let us, then, be open to whatever truths come to our awareness that we may not hinder our eternal progression.

Rev. 1/2001
Rev. 2/2001-3/2001
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Kay Fairchild

I would like to thank those who contributed to my knowledge, which enabled me to write the following articles:

Diet and Health
I wrote this article in 1992, about how changing my diet enabled me to overcome my health problems.  I met Thomas Lynn Rodgers in 1995.  I was already a vegetarian at that time:  I did not eat red meats; poultry I ate rarely, perhaps once or twice a year, and I no longer consumed dairy products.  I revised the article in 1995 and added many scriptures, included D&C 89:19 and Daniel 1:8-20, which Tom had explained to me.  Tom also made me aware of the book Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill by Udo Erasmus, pointing out that I could get my dietary oils from nuts and seeds and give up the fish that I had been eating strictly to obtain these oils.  After giving up fish, a patch of skin cancer on my forehead healed completely.

Tom also told me to replace the honey in my diet (an animal product: as an insect processed sugar) with vegetable sugars, explaining to me how bees bless our lives with their thousands hours of service to us in pollinating our crops, and how we then reward them by stealing the food (honey) which they made to feed their young. Tom encouraged me to further refine my vegetarian diet by replacing all remaining animal sources with plant sources, so I decided to give it a try, and have eaten a vegan diet ever since, as this diet was a source of great blessings to me, not only improving my physical health, but resulting in greater personal revelation and knowledge.

As a result of meeting Tom, I became a vegan, eliminating all remaining animal products from my diet.  This diet has been a great blessing to me, not only improving my physical health, but resulting in greater personal revelation and knowledge.

Let Us Become One, or Becoming a Zion People
I wrote this article for a Singles Conference in 1997.  I quoted several scriptures which Tom Rodgers had previously explained to me: D&C 49:21, Psalm 78, Psalm 81, and Hebrews 3.

The Traditions of Men Vs. the Standards of God
Original Draft written 1999.  Thanks to Tom Rodgers for introducing me to Ann Tracy, Joyce Kinmont, Robert Cohen, and others, and thanks to all of these authors for their books.  Thanks to Tom for sharing with me the Hyrum Smith Discourse of June 1, 1842, on "The Word of Wisdom," and for introducing me to the information on vaccines and the articles in the U.S. News and World Report.

Other people also came into my life who told me about certain books or sources which I was also able to find and use, and I thank them.  A majority of the books on the list are ones I had read previously to compiling this article.

Review of Bergner book, "The Healing Power of Minerals"
Tom Rodgers had told me previously that God provided all the nutrients man needs in plant sources; man can get all the proper nutrients he needs without consuming animal foods.

I express my gratitude to the Lord for his inspiration in all the articles I have written.

Kay Fairchild

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